Why You Want to Know & Use MBTI To Understand Your Relationships

When you know your own Myers-Briggs type, it is eye opening. There are so many things you can do with the knowledge; figuring out your stressors, figuring out your career; or even using it to navigate a challenging situation. But when you know the MBTI of the people around you, in your life and in your relationships, you hold the key to peaceful communication with others; complete understanding and knowledge of others; how others act, and why the act the way they do.

Once you are able to understand and identify others types – some examples are: your parents; your siblings; your significant other; your friends; your co-workers, you can really make a difference, especially in a challenging relationship that you cannot choose (i.e. parents, siblings or coworkers). Each preference type has a different way of processing the world; through decision making; through processing information; through planning out their life; through identifying the world and others, and the only way to understand why someone does something the way they do it, is to know their MBTI.

Let’s start with a simple example, as this is a very common one that plays out in all types of relationships. The 4th letter in the series is either people with a preference for judging, or a preference for perceiving. Those with a preference for judging prefer to get things done in advance of a deadline. They like to have the project done, so that they have time to make tweaks, change things as needed, or just be done with it and know it’s turned in and checked off their to-do list. People with a preference for judging can experience anxiety if they don’t get the task done in advance, thinking that they may likely miss the deadline, or be too pressured to complete it in a short amount of time that they won’t give the project the time it deserves. They also like to check off tasks because they want to save money, for example, they will go ahead and cancel that subscription, so they aren’t surprised by the charge on their card the following month.

People with a perceiving preference are the opposite. They enjoy the pressure the deadline gives them, and often won’t start on the project until just enough time prior to the deadline to complete the project. They tend to think about the project, and think of ideas for it prior to, and just up until, starting the project, but they don’t actually start it until they have just enough time to do so. In the instance that they don’t budget enough time for it, they are comfortable negotiating an extension of the deadline, or in some cases anxiety is caused for these types if they are nervous to ask for an extension, and then they can feel as though they have let someone down (the reaction and response to this goes into the other letter preferences).  In the example of the subscription cancellation, they will likely wait until the day before to cancel it, so that they can get the most benefit out of the subscription, even if that means running the risk that they forget to cancel it and are charged again.

Anyway, you can see how this can play out at work, or in a romantic relationship. If you manage someone at work, and you have a preference for judging, and they have a preference for perceiving, you may have to have an upfront expectation conversation with them, because otherwise, they are not likely to understand why you want the project completed in advance of the deadline, and feel as though you are micromanaging them. The opposite can happen as well, where if the manager were someone with a perceiving preference, they can judge the person working for them, wondering why they act so quickly, and wondering why they cause themselves stress when they had additional time to complete the project. I see this in play out every day in all of my relationships, and I try to help people to understand where I, and others, are coming from. This was an incredibly small example, but can you imagine if everyone knew and followed MBTI and understood others personality types? We might actually be able to achieve world peace!

I’d love to hear what you think! Email me and let’s start a conversation.

Link to MBTI Training Institute: https://mbtitraininginstitute.myersbriggs.org/

Email me: infinitetealskies@gmail.com

Additionally, I have a free gift offering! When you sign up for my newsletter on my website, you will receive a free PDF about MBTI Type Dynamics. Sign up here: Teal’s Newsletter

Happy Sunday!


Why You Want to Know & Use MBTI to Live Your Best Life

I’ve decided to do a series on the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator for the next several months. I thought I’d start today with a little bit about why you might want to know your MBTI type. Next week, I’ll discuss why you might want to know the type of others in your life. After that, I will explain a bit more about how you can use MBTI to apply these in your day-to-day life. Then, I will really get into specific types and the differences between them.

I want to start out with a reminder that all type preferences are equal. No type preference is better than another, and we all use each preference type in our day to day life. The big reason that you would want to know your preference type and to understand it, is that if you are living your life in another preference type letter consistently, this will cause you emotional and mental stress, and this is what leads to burn out, whether it be in your job, or relationships or any other areas of life.

Have you ever felt stressed for an extended period of time and felt unable to get out of that feeling, which then leads to extreme burn out? Or maybe you are currently experiencing this? You were likely living in a preference letter that isn’t indicative of your true preference type, and your psyche becomes stressed, and is trying to show you that it isn’t comfortable living in a preference type letter that suits you.

For a fairly obvious example, a person with a preference for introversion who is constantly forcing themselves to extrovert, will become tired and agitated after a certain period of time, as the mind continually tries to pull the person back to their natural way of being. The person with an introversion preference is not being recharged in the way that the brain requires. It would be the same for a person with a preference for extroversion trying to recharge using introversion. It won’t work for them, and the opposite of recharging will happen. This happens with all the preference types letters as well.

Therefore, the MBTI training institute says that no one has a preference for both letters (i.e. an ambivert) . Everyone uses all 8 letters on any given day; however, you have a natural preference for one letter over another. It is also great to establish your use of the opposite preference type letter but learning how to switch it off when you feel yourself get too stressed is key. This is where self-care really comes in and knowing when to take a break.

I’d love to hear what you think! Email me and let’s start a conversation.

Link to MBTI Training Institute: https://mbtitraininginstitute.myersbriggs.org/

Email me: infinitetealskies@gmail.com

Additionally, I have a free gift offering! When you sign up for my newsletter on my website, you will receive a free PDF about MBTI Type Dynamics. Sign up here: Teal’s Newsletter

Happy Sunday!


The Surrender Experiment

I finished reading the Surrender Experiment, by Michael A. Singer in one day. One. Day. It was SO good. My theory is that he is an INTP, and he is a really great storyteller. It really inspired me to set out to silence the constant chatter in my brain, and work on surrendering to what life throws my way.

For those that have no clue what the book is about, it’s about a man who was working on an economics PhD, and before he completed it, he began to start doing yoga and meditating a significant amount of time to calm his inner voice. He decided one day that he wouldn’t let the inner voice control his life, and he would surrender to whatever life brought him. He then lived his life by allowing life to dictate his plans, instead of his own inner voice. He started out living in the woods, and by then end of the book was a millionaire who had been CEO of a tech company.

Despite the outcome of the story, it was an inspiring tale of training your inner voice to shut the heck up. I’ve practiced this all week, meditating more, and surrendering more. At one point, I was searching for a complex answer to a question for work, and I started feeling a usual flutter of anxiety in my chest that comes with not knowing the answer. Then, I told myself to surrender and let go. Two minutes later, the answer literally popped into my head. Now, one could argue that all I did was give it the space to come up, but honestly, I don’t think it matters. I think you could call it divine insight or clearing the anxiety to allow my brain to work, but it accomplished the same result.

Anyway, give it a read and let me know what you think. I thought it was fantastic.

Please send me feedback! Email me: infinitetealskies@gmail.com

Additionally, I have a free gift offering! When you sign up for my newsletter on my website, you will receive a free PDF about MBTI Type Dynamics. Sign up here: Teal’s Newsletter



Power vs. Force

Happy Sunday everyone! I have been reading the book “Power vs. Force” by David R. Hawkins, and it is fantastic. It’s an odd transition from muscle testing to the metaphysical, but it is based on scientific testing for proof and it is powerful. The book teaches that every person has their own level of energy calibration. Some people calibrate at a level of 500, which is love, and some calibrate at 50, which is shame. The highest that one can calibrate at is 1,000, and this level is called enlightenment, and only several people over the course of the universe have calibrated at that level; think Gandhi or Jesus. There are many levels that one can calibrate in between those examples, but the point is that we all have an energy calibration that we exist in and base our realities in.

I found it incredibly interesting that he mentions that people who calibrate at a high level (700-1,000) can bring thousands of people up several levels of their own calibration. As Mike Dooley, the author of “Notes from the Universe” puts it, “thoughts become things, but not all thoughts are the same.” Truly positive, altruistic thoughts bring up the level of calibration of people all around you. On the other hand, an extremely low calibration can bring many people down, however, the positive calibrations are much more powerful and strong than the negative.

Over time in history it has been proven that power is much more effective and positive than force. Force is used when people are calibrating at a lower level and are using force to exert their will on a certain community, or on the world at large.

Anyway, I highly recommend the book! Let me know if you have read it or are interested in reading it, and feel free to email me if you want to chat further: infinitetealskies@gmail.com

Additionally, please sign up for my newsletter on my website, and you will receive a free PDF about MBTI Type Dynamics. Sign up here: Teal’s Newsletter

Mike Dooley’s website: https://www.tut.com/

Manifestation Snapback

Given that the new year has just begun, there have been so many classes and articles on manifesting. If you haven’t heard of manifesting, it’s basically telling the universe that you already have what you desire, and by affirming that it is true, your dreams start to manifest. It’s a lot more complex than that, but that’s the basic version. In this article, I am going to assume some familiarity with it, but please look it up if you are curious to learn about it.

Now, we’ve all had those moments when we are manifesting the heck out of our dreams, but suddenly someone we know and love well (our best friend, our mom, our significant other) suddenly gets angry at us. Or we don’t get that promotion we hoped for at work. Or something as simple as getting hurt, for example, I fell off my bike the other day and felt crippled for an entire week.

I like to call this conundrum manifestation snapback. It’s when we are going along smoothly with our new hopes and dreams, and we’ve put it all out there to the universe (thank you Universe for everything you are doing for me!) and then suddenly, something happens that makes you think “what the actual f***?”

I believe there are a number of reasons for this snapback (meaning the universe suddenly seems to be conspiring against you). First, when it comes to other people, you are technically cutting your old self off from them and the people in your life have the most to lose. They suddenly start to see you shining like a golden star, and they get upset because you are leaving them behind and have also forced them to take a cold, hard look at their own comfortable choices or beliefs. Another thing that happens is that your brain’s neural pathways try to pull you back to the normal pathway they are used to running. They almost start to short circuit because you are forcing them to run these new neural pathways, and the brain gets slightly confused and tries to pull you back to status quo. Lastly, I think the universe throws some challenges at you just to make sure you really mean what you are asking for. It’s kind of like a test – “does Susie really want a loving relationship? Maybe I can throw some drama her way to make sure she doesn’t want that instead.”

The solution to overcoming this snapback isn’t super easy. But what I have found over the years is that you must just. keep. going. When you notice the snapback, try not to have a break down, but try to work through it instead. Sometimes this involves letting some things go, even if it is painful. The more times you work through the snapback, the less persistent it becomes, and then voila! One day you have manifested your dreams and the snapback has disappeared.

Please let me know what you think! Email me: infinitetealskies@gmail.com

Additionally, I have a new free gift! When you sign up for my newsletter on my website, you will receive a free PDF about MBTI Type Dynamics. Sign up here: Teal’s Newsletter

The Personality Type Temperament and Spirituality

The concept of personality type temperament and spirituality has come up a lot in the course of my day to day discussions this week, so I thought I’d share some thoughts on it and ask for some feedback. Let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments or email me at infinitetealskies@gmail.com. I am genuinely interested to know what you all think!

It seems very likely that spirituality manifests itself in different forms based on your personality temperament.

  • For example, as an NF, I believe that for me, spirituality comes to me in the form of connecting to a deeper meaning, or a higher power, whatever that might be and then using learning as a deeper way to get closer to that meaning.
  • For SF’s, they prefer a sense of community and connection to said community, and then they take their past experiences as a way to learn and apply values currently to connect with their concept of spirituality.
  • For NT’s, they need something that can relate new learning and concepts to, and the need the ability to discard what doesn’t make sense to them. They can then take all they have learned and create their own definition of spirituality.
  • For ST’s, they generally prefer rules and regulations about how to identify with spirituality. They may enjoy a sense of community, but within that, they need to be given clear guidelines as a way to connect to their own spirituality.

I know a lot about the NF temperament type given that I am an NF type, but let me know if you are any of the other temperaments, as I’d love to hear your thoughts. In fact, feel free to share if you are an NF as well, I love other perspectives! Feel free to leave a comment or email me: infinitetealskies@gmail.com

Love always,

New Year Intentions

As we approach a new year, I’ve started to reflect on the year 2020 (not an easy task), and also start to plan and prepare for 2021. I have never been a fan of new year resolutions. We tend to aim too high, and don’t have a clear plan or path to actually get to our goals. Then, we get disappointed in ourselves and all that negative self-talk comes in. I’ve been guilty of this too, I think everyone does it because we get really excited about a new beginning and a “fresh start” and we forget that we are only actually human, and nothing changes all that quickly (le sigh).

Anyway, I’d like to propose an easier way of living. Instead of setting resolutions, why not set several small intentions? Some examples that I have come up with for myself this year are: be open to making new friends and reach out to one or a few new people; when faced with a choice, pick the healthy option; when exhausted and worn out, take time for myself and ask for help when needed; give myself permission to stop being such a perfectionist/people pleaser. I am super excited for all of these intentions, and they aren’t big life changing goals. They are just small things that I can do for myself that will make me healthier and happier.

So what are your intentions for 2021? Let me know in the comments or email me:


I’d love to hear from you, and if you are interested in learning more about your MBTI type, I’m here for that as well! See my personality type consultation tab on my webpage.

Much love always,


Asking For Help

Asking for help when you need it is HARD. I am actually BAD at it. When I say bad, I mean really bad. I never want to bother anyone and have them think of me as “needy”. I always want to be and appear fiercely independent and I always think I can do everything myself. This way of thinking has caused me severe anxiety, and several times over the period of my life, extreme depression as well. I know everyone always says “ask for help when you need it,” but I never fully understood this concept. When someone says that, I picture myself on the side of the road with a broken-down car and calling my significant other for help. In truth, that is actually an extreme example. Sometimes, it can be as simple as asking for a fifteen-minute break at work, when the emails and tasks have become too overwhelming. OR it could be asking a team member to do something for you that would normally take you twenty or so minutes, just to get something small off your plate. You could even ask for help on a big project. I’ve even learned that sometimes I need to ask my neighbor to let me use the washing machine before they do, if I need to be somewhere and they don’t have plans. Like I said, such a small thing. But I tend to put others needs before mine, and then I get stressed and tired. I think a lot of us are people pleasers and we want people to be happy with us, and we want to be low-maintenance.

But I challenge you to this today: ask for something. It can be something really small, like asking your s/o to draw you a bath, or light a candle to create a meditative space. Ask a friend if you can vent for fifteen minutes. That is asking for something, and it’s enough to take a small (or large) burden, and make it feel less cumbersome.



Personality Type Consultation

Hi everyone! I am now a MBTI® certified practitioner! If you have taken the paid test, or a free test before and are interested in learning more, I am your girl 🙂

My fee is $200 per session, and I will learn more about you and ask questions to get to your preferred personality type. We will work through each set of personality type letters, and determine your best fit type. Feel free to reach out to me with questions as well. Here are some of the reasons why you may want to know your preferred type:

» Great for determining your best fit career, or finding a new career if your current career doesn’t fit

» Great for finding common ground with others and understanding where they may be coming from

» Dig in to determine why you answered the questions the way you did, and determine if this is really your best fit type

» It’s essential for wellness and self care. To determine what you need to be your best self, you must first understand yourself

There are multiple other reasons to find out your preferred type and I am here to help!

Email me for questions, or to set up your session.

Happy Sunday!


5 Strengths Finder

Have you ever wondered what roles you are best suited for? What work and what your purpose in life is? I found the strengths finder website through work of all places, but I found it to be very enlightening.

My first strength is spirituality, which shocked me at first, but now it makes a lot of sense. I find myself searching for a higher purpose, almost more than I do anything else. I study and find all religion fascinating and, recently, I have been studying shamanism and find it to align very deeply with what I feel is real and true. However, I do consider myself more spiritual than religious.

My second strength is love of learning which makes so much sense. I have hundreds of books, and hundreds more on a list to read because I want all the information. I take new classes pretty much monthly. It almost seems impossible to read, learn and obtain all of it, but the love I have for learning is something I feel that I should use going forward in life. I don’t feel consistently happy without learning, but of course, only learning things I am truly interested in.

My third strength is forgiveness, which means I typically give people second, third and even fourth chances, as well as not being very vengeful, and I let things go easily. I don’t take things so seriously, and I recognize that most people are just trying their best.

My fourth strength is perspective, meaning I am able to see things from all perspectives, and am able to provide counsel to others with solutions they might not have otherwise been able to see.

My fifth strength is appreciation of beauty and excellence, which means that I can see the beauty in most all situations, as well as in art, performances, etc. It’s probably why I love Broadway so much!

It is my belief that these five strengths culminate into the love of helping people and making a difference in people’s worlds and lives. I truly hope to do more of that in the near future and my life seems to be streamlining fast in that direction. I think that this strength’s finder test really does help find your purpose. Give it a shot and let me know what you find out about yourself! Link below to take the free survey.


